
Kena steam download
Kena steam download

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If you’re wanting to add support for FSR 2.1 on Deck, this is also similar, but I will add a few notes along the way since there are a few differences. The process should be fairly similar with any other game. In this guide, I will be walking through Kena: Bridge of Spirits on my Arch desktop. If that carries the same precedent on the Steam Deck, that should translate to a longer battery life. In my testing on my NVIDIA GPU, I’ve also noticed slightly less RAM and VRAM consumption. The sharpening detail should also be better in most cases (as you can see in the cover photo). Why? ⌗įSR 2.1 will give us small performance gains over FSR 1.0.

kena steam download

There’s also a compatibility list sheet that you can see for even more games. There’s many other games that support this mod: However, by installing the DLSS unlocker mod, the option now becomes visible: You can see here there’s no option for DLSS in the Advanced Graphics menu when running Kena: Bridge of Spirits on my GTX 1660: Thanks to DLSS2FSR being open-source, modders have been able to modify the code and make it work with other games. This is possible thanks to NVIDIA providing its DLSS implementation as a DLL file modders can simply replace said DLL file with their own that translates DLSS calls to FSR 2.1. This mod adds an injector to disable RTX checking, and will use FSR 2.1 in replacement of the DLSS option in the game’s graphics options. Normally, when running a game that has support for DLSS, this option will either be greyed out or not even be visible when using any GPU outside of the RTX family. It all started with a DLSS unlocker for Cyberpunk 2077. So let’s go over how we can make use of FSR 2.1 for games that only have DLSS, and the benefits that come with it.

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With FSR 2.1, we can use this across any GPU, including the GTX line of graphics cards, the Steam Deck’s APU, and even Intel’s integrated graphics. Fortunately for us, we can make use of an alternate technology that offers much of the same capabilities: FSR 2.1. While it may be advantagous for achieving higher framerates at lower resolutions, while still retaining most of the same graphics quality, the downside is that the technology is essentially locked behind a paywall: you need to have a RTX GPU in order to use it.īut you don’t need to pay an arm and a leg for said GPU. You might have heard about NVIDIA’s Deep Learning Super Sampling ( DLSS).

Kena steam download